Service Tip: Let's clean out all that cottonwood
One of the most common, and avoidable performance issues on HVAC air conditioning units is operating with dirty and corroded coils. Both the condenser and the evaporator coils are engineered to provide optimum heat transfer as required by the space being conditioned. So when coils become dirty or corroded this has an adverse effect on how optimal the unit will run. This is especially true right now as we are at the end of cottonwood season.
Why is this a problem?
Equipment operating with dirty coils can use more than 30% more energy than equipment with clean coils. Don’t end up paying for more power on equipment that is working harder and harder to get the same or less cooling.
Don’t waste another dollar
By contracting us for your coil cleaning to remove cottonwood and other contaminants you will be protecting your equipment and maintaining a healthy environment for your customers and employees. We are pleased to offer a 5% discount on coiling cleanings for the months of June and July.
Learn more about our Performance Construction Services
As a premier construction services organization in the Puget Sound we know building owners and managers rely on quality partnerships with service providers who are capable, trust worthy and skilled in HVAC construction services. Our services include:
- Air Handlers
- Boilers & Hot Water Tanks
- Chilled Water Systems
- Cooling Towers & Chillers
- Ductwork
- Dust Collection Systems
- Environmental Units & Controls
- Equipment Modernization
- Exhaust & Make-up Air Systems
- Gas Piping
- Hydronic Piping
- Low Voltage Wiring
- ... and more
For more information about our services, capabilities, and past construction projects contact John Parks at
Todd Evans - Construction Operations Manager, Performance Mechanical Group
Performance Spotlight: CATALYST transforms packaged RTUs into money-saving assets
The CATALYST is a complete HVAC energy efficiency upgrade that when applied, radically lowers the energy use and improves the overall performance of constant volume HVAC systems.
CATALYST Applications At-A-Glance
Full-featured CATALYST with Tridium BMS scheduling and comfort control of HVAC with optional lighting and portfolio asset management resources.
Full-featured CATALYST with web-based visualization of RTU efficiency, system performance, fault detection, and energy accountability tools.
Smart VFD for those looking for supply fan control. Includes CATALYST ventilation and equipment protection features.
Utility Incentives
We have worked with Puget Sound Energy, Snohomish PUD and Seattle City Light to help customers receive up to 70% incentive rebates to help cover the costs of the CATALYST.
Who benefits? Locally, some of our customers include Bartell Drugs, BE Aerospace, Great American Casino, Ikea and Dania Furniture. In fact, take a look at some of these project case studies:
- Bartell Drugs achieved energy savings and gained insight into its portfolio of HVAC assets. [pdf]
- Ikea in Renton, WA achieved energy savings with a 1.8 year payback on investment. [pdf]
- Dania Furniture saved a whopping 65% in HVAC energy consumption with the CATALYST. [pdf]
For more information about the CATALYST and how your organization can save 25-50% in energy use contact Christian Minor at or visit our CATALYST webpage.
Kenny Miller - General Manager, Performance Mechanical Group
Find out more
Be sure to check out our newly redesigned website at and follow us on Twitter @pmghvac and Instagram PMGHVAC.
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Performance Mechanical Group | | 425-251-0356 | 1012 Central Ave South | Kent | Wa | 98032 |